Organization Chart:
- General Manager: Gebeyehu
- General Service: Esmael
- Human Resources: Esayas
- Production and Marketing: Hana
- Secretary: Israel
Legal Structure: Partnership
Key Manager Bios:
1) Gebeyehu - General Manager: Gebeyehu has extensive experience in the food processing industry and has a strong background in business management. He is responsible for overseeing the overall operations of the business.
2) Esmael - General Service: Esmael has a background in logistics and project management. He ensures that all services are running smoothly and efficiently within the organization.
3) Esayas - Human Resources: Esayas has a background in human resources management and ensures that the organization has the right team in place and that all employees are well taken care of.
4) Hana - Production and Marketing Department: Hana has a background in marketing and production and is responsible for overseeing the production process and developing marketing strategies to promote the company's products.
5) Israel - Secretary: Israel has a background in administration and assists with the day-to-day operations of the business, including scheduling appointments, managing correspondence, and other administrative tasks.
Organizational Structure:
General Manager
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General Service Human Resources Production & Marketing
I'm writing business plan on Bayra juice processing enterprise at arbaminch Ethiopia. The members of the business are:
1) gebeyehu general manager
2) esmael general service
3) esayas human resources
4) Hana production and marketing department
5) Israel secretary
Provide organized as well as an organization chart, if
Describe the legal structure of your business
(proprietorship, partnership, corporation, etc.)
Provide a brief bio description of key
managers within the company
Draw the organizational structure of the
1 answer