I'm writing business plan on Bayra juice processing enterprise at arbaminch Ethiopia. The members of the business are:

1) gebeyehu general manager
2) esmael general service
3) esayas human resources
4) Hana production and marketing department
5) Israel secretary
Provide organized as well as an organization chart, if
 Describe the legal structure of your business
(proprietorship, partnership, corporation, etc.)
 Provide a brief bio description of key
managers within the company
 Draw the organizational structure of the

1 answer


Organization Chart:

- General Manager: Gebeyehu
- General Service: Esmael
- Human Resources: Esayas
- Production and Marketing: Hana
- Secretary: Israel

Legal Structure: Partnership

Key Manager Bios:

1) Gebeyehu - General Manager: Gebeyehu has extensive experience in the food processing industry and has a strong background in business management. He is responsible for overseeing the overall operations of the business.

2) Esmael - General Service: Esmael has a background in logistics and project management. He ensures that all services are running smoothly and efficiently within the organization.

3) Esayas - Human Resources: Esayas has a background in human resources management and ensures that the organization has the right team in place and that all employees are well taken care of.

4) Hana - Production and Marketing Department: Hana has a background in marketing and production and is responsible for overseeing the production process and developing marketing strategies to promote the company's products.

5) Israel - Secretary: Israel has a background in administration and assists with the day-to-day operations of the business, including scheduling appointments, managing correspondence, and other administrative tasks.

Organizational Structure:

General Manager
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General Service Human Resources Production & Marketing