i'm writing an essay comparing indentured servants and slaves.
can you just read what i have so far and correct errors in grammar and how I word my sentences. thank you
Between the 16th and 18th centuries, cheap labor, agriculture and mercantilism ensured a thriving economy in British colonies that led Britain into becoming the largest and powerful nation. The British Empire utilized slaves and indentured servants for labor work to expand and solve its economic issues. Although these laborers were socially and culturally different, they both overcame physical and mental hardships under the control of their masters. Due to brutal and degrading treatments from slave-owners/masters, the desire to experience freedom motivated slaves and servants to escape despite the punishments they would receive once they were caught. As an attempt to retrieve their human property, the masters released descriptive newspaper advertisements about his/her workers including name, age, clothing, and characteristics. These advertisements demonstrate the social and cultural differences and similarities between slaves and indentured servants in respect to the various geographic regions of colonial America.
Compared to the southern and middle colonies, slavery and servitude was given less importance to one’s livelihood in the northern colonies. New England’s profits stemmed from fishing, shipbuilding, and factories rather than agriculture due to the poor soil and harsh winters making the land less suitable for crops. The middle colonies included a diverse population from various religions and lifestyles compared to the other two regions. It had a moderate climate, which allowed landowners to farm wheat, oats, barley and rye. However, they could not fully rely on farming for profits due to lack of variety in crops, so they built mills and depended on bread. Unlike the middle and northern colonies, economy of the southern colonies prospered due to their hot climate and fertile soil that allowed for cultivating crops such as tobacco, indigo, and rice. Large plantations contributed heavily in the British economy and owning land represented power, livelihood, independence and liberty to the colonies. Division of colonies was based on what each region can grow, but each colony could not have been successful in their economic venture without indentured slaves and servants.