I'm writing a speech about a mythical character/legendary hero that i admire what are the reasons why i admire him or her that i could write about? thanks in advance.
11 answers
Go to http://www.google.com and search for Penelope of Ithaca. She is the long-suffering wife of Odysseus, and she has quite a story!
Write me a speech about a hero and reasons why u admire him or her
Am writing a speech about a hero whom i admire and the reasons and i must write 3things about him or her to present it in class.
Speech about the a mythical character /legendary hero who I admire
He is Israel makoe
He is Israel makoe
Speech about a mythical character /legendaryhero whom you admire /fear
A legendary hero whom you fear /admire your speech
Speech about mythical character/legendary hero whom fear / admire
Speech about mythical character
More information please
Speech about a mythical character