Im writing a CERER, would you say my claim, evidence, and reasoning all match up?"In Edgar Allan Poe’s story “The Tell Tale Heart”, Poe builds suspense through his thoughts and actions, leaving the reader wondering if he will get away with the crime he committed. At the beginning of the story, Poe was taking care of an old man with a blind eye, who he killed because his eye was “evil”. After killing the old man he felt proud for a while but then he started to feel guilty and eventually confessed to the police of the crime he committed. In the text it states,” Yet, for some minutes longer I refrained and stood still. But the beating grew louder, louder! I thought the heart must burst. And now a new anxiety seized me- the sound would be heard by a neighbor! The Old man’s hour had come! With a loud yell, I threw open the lantern and leaped into the room.” This evidence supports the claim by building suspense. Poe was standing right outside the door and just kept waiting. The reader starts to feel anxious and wants to see what happens next, this builds suspense."
1 answer
Your claim states that Poe builds suspense through his thoughts and actions, leaving the reader wondering if he will get away with the crime he committed. However, you should clarify that this claim specifically pertains to the suspense surrounding the crime and its aftermath.
Your evidence from the text supports your claim by emphasizing Poe's internal conflict and anxiety as he hears the beating of the old man's heart and worries about being caught. This evidence effectively demonstrates Poe's mental and emotional turmoil, which contributes to the suspense in the story.
Your reasoning explains how the evidence supports the claim by stating that Poe's actions, such as waiting and feeling anxious, build suspense by making the reader curious about what will happen next. However, you could further strengthen your reasoning by connecting it more explicitly to your claim. For example, you could explain how Poe's actions and emotions create uncertainty about whether he will successfully evade detection by the authorities, thereby intensifying the suspense experienced by the reader.
Overall, your claim, evidence, and reasoning align, but be sure to clarify and strengthen the connections between them to enhance the coherence and persuasive power of your argument.