I'm working on single replacement reactions. I know about flipping elements around, like Au+PtF yields AuF+Pt. However, I'm not sure how to do it when there's multiple elements like Al+AgC2H3O2. What would the answer be, and how would you decide what to flip?

My other question is if I did this correctly. The equation I have to balance is Li+Cr3(PO4)2 and I have to decide on the reactants. I balanced it as: 2Li+Cr3(PO4)2 yields 3Cr+2Li(PO4). Is this right? Thanks so much for all of your help.

1 answer

1) The Al replaces the Ag. Metals replace metals.
2) No. PO4 is a negative 3 ion. Memorize that.
product is Li3PO4