I'm working on a worksheet, measuring in metric units. The task is to change each measurement to the given unit. For example, 43km 14m to kilometers. How do I come up with the answer.

Thank You
Easton 7th Grade

16 answers

is that 43km and 14m or what??
It doesnt have anything after. I copyied it exactly from the worksheet. It metric units
hmm ok well the best way to do this is to find how many meters are in a km there for you multipy by 1000 and that gets you 43000 then add the 14 meters that gets you 43014 and then divide by 1000 to get your km and you ans in 43.014km
Oh the first is 43km and the second is 14m
It's probably 43 km + 14 m.

You need to find what part of 1 km = 14 m.

1 km = 1,000 m.
14/1000 = 0.014

43 km + 14 m = ? km
Thank You ssooooo much!
You're very welcome.
How do you apply this to this same question, but with centimeters?
1 km = 1000 m
1 m = 100 cm

Give it a try -- and post your answer. We'll be glad to check it for you.
Not so sure if this is right, but 84.0000?
wait. 84.0000cm
Can anyone check that for me?
43.014 km must equal much more than 84 cm.

Please try again.

43 km * 1000 * 100 = ?
Your numbers are almost correct but your decimal point is way off.

According to my calculator,

43.014 km * 1000 * 100 = 4,401,400 cm
I'm working on a worksheet, measuring in metric units. The task is to change each measurement to the given unit. For example, 84m 15cm to Centimeters. How do I come up with the answer.

Thank You
Seth 7th Grade