I'm typing a paper and I'm SO confused. My question is: Using APA stle, how do I write the PAGE NUMBERS at the end of the sentence. For example my sentence would be: The reason pigs can fly is because they have wings(Jones, 32)....THIS IS THE CORRECT WAY TO USE PAGE NUMBERS AT THE END OF A SENTENCE WHEN USING APA, but I am using an ONLINE scholarly journal that is ONLY one page long....so WHAT DO I WRITE AT THE END OF THE SENTENCE....???? (Jones, 1). ??? I am so confused!!!? PLease help because I lost 30 points for leaving out page numbers last time. But if they scholarly journal is ONLY one page long I don't know what to do??????!! and I have four sources that are all only ONE PAGE LONG...????

3 answers


This is one of the best websites to help you with APA citations.

You would not have any page numbers on resources you find online. Be sure to study In-Text Citations: The Basics for what you are working on.

In APA format, though, you need the publication year, both in the Reference List (aka bibliography) AND any in-text citation.
PS ~

In that website, click on Reference List: Electronic Sources, and then scroll down to the section on scholarly journals.
These are also excellent resources with lots of examples and explanation:

Scroll down below the outline and to sections F and G.
