Im trying to write an impressions of what a good communciation plan between home, school and student would look like from any grade level. what should be inculde in this plan. Howw could i invovle parents in this plan. How should my coummuncation paln inculde my interactions with supervisin a teacher

2 answers

A good communication plan provides dialogue between the teacher, the student, and the parents. This could be done with a letter from the teacher to the parents once a week. Of course, the parents and students would be encouraged to respond. It's also a good idea to include a phone number and e-mail address on all communications.

Many schools encourage communication by e-mail via a school's web site. If most of the parents have ready access to e-mail, this is probably the most effective and efficient.
Ms. Sue's suggestions are excellent and right on the money!

An additional thing my granddaughter's school does is to have each teacher send home a "Wednesday folder" every week of the school year. It includes papers (schoolwork and tests completed and graded) from the previous week, as well as any comments or requests by the teacher. This is how my daughter learned that her son (as a fifth grader last year) was forgetting to turn in completed assignments and how up and down his test and quiz scores were. This is how she learned that her daughter (first grader last year) was Miss Chatterbox in her classroom and needed to learn correct classroom manners.

It's an excellent system. I had never seen it done before -- whether they lived in California, New Mexico, or Virginia. It's a terrific tool.

Once a month, that grade level's news is included, too, which not only has those teachers' phone numbers and email addresses on it, but also summarizes what is being studied in that grade level during the month and includes some really good websites for the various subject areas that are appropriate for that grade level.
