I'm trying to write a term paper and get an A with as little effort as possible. Is it easier to write a paper that SUPPORTS Truman's decision to drop the A-bomb or REFUTES the decision?

4 answers

" ... and get an A with as little effort as possible." Now THERE'S an oxymoron for you!! =)

You can write an effective paper no matter which stance you take. Just make sure you have sufficient information to back up whichever claim you decide to make.



Just pick whichever one has the most to back it up.
I already did plenty of research and I know a lot about the topic. I really can't decide which side I support -- every time I read one explanation, it negates another, and I can't make up my mind. That's why I'm asking here for people who DO have opinions and who can just point at which side is easier to argue. I could write an effective paper either way, I'm confident of that, but if there's an easier option, I'll take that one.
This assignment is designed to help you gather facts and make a decision.

This topic has been hotly debated for over 60 years. At the time of these attcks, the U.S. was tired of war and wanted to end it as quickly as possible with the least harm to our military personnel. From that point of view, I'd support Truman's decision.