i'm trying to find strengths to a deep processing vs shalow processing investigation
1)class split in half
2)class given 10 mins to remember 24 words
3)each member given piece of paper to write down the words they could remember
4)results taken in
i can think of plenty of weaknesses but no strengths
'no cheating' rule wasn't enforced
can't generalise because different methods were used within each group.
3 answers
sorry this doesn't help :(
You haven't provided enough information to find strengths.
From your description of procedure, I don't see a clear difference between the two halves. What were the different methods? How can you tell which are doing deep or shallow processing? Were they given different instructions?
The independent variable is given to the experimental group and not to the control group. How are the words presented? In written form? Orally? Is that the difference?
From your description, the only strength I see is the writing of the words as empirical data.
The independent variable is given to the experimental group and not to the control group. How are the words presented? In written form? Orally? Is that the difference?
From your description, the only strength I see is the writing of the words as empirical data.