I'm trying to figure out how you would say "he is being" in French. I know it has something to do with the present participle "étant," but we haven't really gotten very far into this yet in class.

Would you say "il est étant" or "il étant?"

Ok I found out it was:
il est e(accent mark don't forget)tant

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. When you ask for a translation, be sure to give the entire context, or exactly how the word/phrase is tyo be used. "étant" simply means "being" and it will NOT say "he is being." That, believe it or not, is one of the 2 possible English translations for the verb être in the Present Tense.

il est = he is, he is being

MOST verbs in the Simple Present Tense will have 3 possible English translations:
il parle = he speaks, he does speak, he is speaking.

So if I wanted to say "he is being impolite" it would simply be "il est impoli?"

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. Exactement! Right on!