I'm stuck on this:
The buoyant force acting on a submerged object is equal to:
A. The objects mass
B. The objects volume
C. The mass of the fluid displaced by the object
D. The weight of the fluid displaced by the object...
If I had to guess I would go with A or B
9 answers
Wrong guess.
So maybe C then? Since it would be displacing the fluid to float
You've had 3 guesses out of 4 possibilities. You now need to go back, read your text/lesson, and stop guessing.
There's no text book or lesson to this part
Then google the question.
If no text was suggested, then your so-called school is a fraud,
Already tried and can't find anything
Quit the school and sue to get your money back. Not providing or suggesting text is fraudulent.
So would D make most sense then? I know its absurd