Im Struggling with this assignment here. Would like help ASAP.
Consider following situation..
You are going to buy this laptop at $1294.00 plus HST. You can also pay $50 a month for 30 months with down payment of $100. Compare following 3 scenarios using spreadsheets to calcuate how much you will pay.
1st Scenario:
Pay Cash
2nd Scenario:
Do monthly payment plan and save remaining money in savings account with interest rate of 1.5%. You're going to withdraw the amount frm this savings account to make ur monthly payment till all of its gone.
3rd Scenario:
Pay with Visa credit card at yearly interest rate of 18%. 30 days after purchase, you make your first payment. Interest starts 30 days after purchase. U will make amount back over 4 months.
Use May 1st as purchase date.
So confused about this assignment.
For the headings. I think I am supposed to have Month, Principal, Payment, To Interest, To Principal, and Principal Left.
I really don't get this:\
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