I'm struggling to write my Artist's Statement for SAIC. I've started writing, however the word limit is 500 and I'm barely over 250. How should I elaborate/develop this piece?
Tucked under my arms every day is a beat-up portfolio coated in psychedelic doodles and eroded ducktape to keep it together. Moving from one project to the next, I always need it by my side. With frequent commission work, pieces for my studio class due every week, and Art Honors Society projects to work on, there is never a time where I’m not drawing.
Some find my behavior odd. And in all honesty, I don’t blame them. Carrying around a massive portfolio the size of your body isn’t exactly common behaviour. However, I find it entirely necessary for the way I work. By consistently experimenting with new mediums and styles, I seek new ways to express my ideas. Merging digital art with printmaking, layering monoprints with linoleum, exploring new forms of mark-making– my investigation of each concept I chose to tackle always has a unique approach. A peek into my portfolio is a peek into my creative mind. With every mark and stroke, you can see my emotion shine through. Certain pieces sit incomplete revealing my process, while others are complete and show my intent overall.
Keeping this collective set of work on me at all times comforts me. I know that if I look in there, I can see the endless exploration of my artistic capability. I know that while some of my lesser work sits in there, my award-winning pieces keep them company. I know that my portfolio, mangled and all, shows my strength and capability as an artist.