I'm reposting some sentences because you didn’t answer all my questions. In particular :

Can you please tell me if the position of "in particular" is correct in 1? In sentence 2 is “hope” a good choice? In sentence 3 which is the best position for “briefly”?

1) Refer to Owen’s poem “Dulce et Decorum est” and briefly summarize the content of each stanza in your own words. Focus in particular (?) your attention on the description of the soldiers and on poet’s aim in describing them.
2) What kind of creature is Caliban and what does he hope for Prospero and Miranda? (He hopes that they get drenched with a dew as evil as the one his mother used to collect from unhealthy swamps)
3)How did he behave towards Prospero when he first arrived on the island? What did Prospero and Miranda try to teach him? What did he do to spoil his relationship with them?
4) In what way is The Tempest different from Shakespeare's previous plays? Outline briefly (or briefly outline) its main themes.

2 answers

1) This sentence will be much smoother without "in particular."

2) The word "hope" is a good choice.

3) Good.

4) Either position for "briefly" is fine, although I prefer "briefly outline."
I agree with Ms. Sue that "in particular" is not needed. The verb "focus" takes care of the idea.