I'm really struggling with my Spanish, can someone help me?
#23.) Complete each of the following sentences using the appropriate indirect object pronoun.
a.) Yo ____ es un regalo a mis padres.
b.) A nosotros, ____ gusta estudiar espanol.
c.) Mis padres ____ compraron una falda bonita para mi hermana.
d.) A mi, _____ encanta visitar Costa Rica.
#24.) Conjugate the verbs in the following sentences using the present perfect tense to say what these people have done.
a.) Ellos ___ ___ (practicar) el espanol.
b.) Nosotros ___ ___ (vivir) en muchos lugares.
#25 Wrute two sentences in Spanish (using the present perfect tense) to say what you have done today. [ I have taken a shower, eaten breakfast, done chores, and have been doing school.]
Please help, i really need it!!
1 answer
See your other post — study the link for indirect objects.