Train A has a 15 minutes (1/4 hour) "head start". Since it is traveling at 60 miles per hour, it will be how many miles ahead in 1/4 hour? Train B is going 20 miles per hour faster. So, every hour it gains 20 miles on train A.
Calculate how far that train A is ahead.
Calculate how many hours or fraction of an hour it will take train B to catch up since it gains 20 miles every hour. Take that time and add it to 3:40pm to find the time that train B will catch train A.
I'm lost. Please help me solve.
Trains A and B are traveling in the same direction on parallel tracks. Train A is traveling at 60 miles per hour and train B is traveling at 80 miles per hour. Train A passes a station at 3:25pm. If train B passes the same station at 3:40p.m., at what time will train B catch up with train A?
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