Here's the best website I've found to help students read Shakespeare's plays:
Click on the title of the play you want, then click on the act and scene. You'll find original Shakespearean language on the left and a modern-day "translation" on the right.
Here are several other really good websites about Shakespeare and his works and his times. Be sure to add ALL THESE to your favorites so you can find them again.
For explanations of particular scenes, soliloquys, etc., use this one.
I'm looking to simply answer these questions on Macbeth. Problem is, I really honestly don't understand the entire book.
1. Explain the significance of the pre-murder sililoquy which beings, "Is this a dagger I see before me "(II.i.30)?
2. Provide a quotation which reveals Macbeth's reaction to the murder of Duncan, and comment on what suggests about Macbeth's mental state
3. Briefly summarize the plans of Malcolm and Donalbain after their father's murder. What are the two most significant results of the plans?
5. "Come thick night and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell." This is one of the many cloaking images (of hiding, disguise, subterfuge) in the play. Using another example, comment on the effect of these images on our understanding of the play and/or character.
2 answers
Also invest in No Fear Shakespeare! Can be bought at Barnes and Noble for about $5. Side by side text plus translation. Very helpful.