I'm looking for a pair of gloves.

1. Are they for you?
2. Is it for you?
Which response is right?•English - Reed, Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 7:38am
"Pair" is a singular noun. The plural is "pairs," as in two pairs of gloves. The second response is correct, but we almost never say it that way. Because a pair is always two of something, we say, "Are they...", incorrectly.
Thank you for your help.

I'm looking for a pair of gloves.
1. Are they for you?
2. Is it for you?

Do you mean #2 is correct? We should not use #2, right? then, What does 'They' refer to? Does 'They' refer to 'the gloves'?

1 answer

Both are correct, in my opinion, but I lean toward #1.

In #1, "they" is referring to "gloves," but in #2 "it" refers to "pair."