I'm just having trouble trying to see the independent and dependant variables. I have to determine whether the following are functions:

The relation between distance and time if someone walks 5km/h. I think distance would be the independent variable because you can go different speeds and that can take more or less time? So time would be the dependant variable. So my equation would be y=5x. This would be a function.

Next, the relation between a student's age and the number of credits earned. I think that the number of credits earned would be the independent variable because a student can skip a grade or fail a grade and that would effect their age, right? I don't know how I would do an equation for this, but it says at the back of my book that this wouldn't be a function.
I'd really appreciate any help, thank you for your time!

2 answers

You fixed the speed at 5

d = 5 t

distance, d, depends on how long you walk ,t

We are assuming that the number of credits earned is a function of (dependent on) age
age is independent
credits is dependent

There is no function implied here, in fact there might be multiple values of credits at a given age. A function has only one value of credits for each age.
Thank you so much for the help, this explains so much!!