I'm in grade 11 and i was wondering if you could help me with this question. I'm doing those subjects and i would love to take a career that is linked in those subjects, what would they be?

104 answers

See Related Questions below.
Public health service. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_health

Travel Agent (aiming for your own business)

CIA (as an analyst)

Most of those above also require higher than average ability to communicate in writing, reading, analysis, and spoken communications. If you are weak in those communication fields, you would have to hone those skills.

If you were going to college next year, I would suggest a small liberal arts college.
What is the value of igneous rocks to humankind
I want to be an artchivist
you can even work as a lawyer
u can fewer thingz if u do mathz lit so my advice 2 u is 2 do pure mathz it will help u alot wit da subjets dat u do
I want to be lawyer becz im doing history,geography and maths literacy.my contact number if u want to help me about my career.
Do you think there are any chances for me to chose a career doing these subjects?i want to be tourism operator
Im doin those subjects and i wana be a cartography
Can i become a social worker
i wnt 2 bcum an archaeologist cn diz subjects help me
Can i be a surveyor?
What can I become in futher ??
You can become tour guide,museum,metiorolist
what jobs can i get through these subjects??
At list if we cn change maths 2 pure bt its hard im also lukng 4 a career tat wll pay mi gud
Which careers can i follow if im doing this subjects at school
Am also doing these subjects and am going ta grade12 next year and i don't know what i wanna study after my matric. Please help
U can become a lawyer bt i think if u would change maths lit to pure.
You can be a tourist vıa general courses but if u wanna be a lawyer go through pure maths
Am going to grade 11 thz year am little afraid that i dnt knw ma caree associated wth ma subjct.cn i be physiologiest?
I want 2 bcme Lawyer bt i dnt knw wat 2 do!
I have choose those subject but i don't know which career i can do
i need the fet to further my study wht career did i follw 2 achieve in lyf
am also do these subject nd am going to grd 12 this yr ,my problem is that i dn't knw wat i want to do aftr my matric.
M doin dis subjcts bt i want a career dat worth 80 000 above a month n i want 2 knw wich course am i suppose 2 do n wich career i cn go for.......
What are career in this Field plz help me
i want to be an archeologist but um these subject is it possible?
i dnt hv a carreer and i dnt n wht 2 do
what career cn i do?
What career can I from those subjects??
You can become a police officer, traffic officer there are alot u can further your studies...
What can I do with those subjects after metric
Am doing diz subjcts n i dnt knw wt career i should take bt i wnt 2 b an archeologist, i dnt knw wt 2 d, help plz
Is it possible for me to do cartography?
Not really what i can say is if u change mathslit into pure that wont be very possible
Im in grade 11 and im doing those subject.whch career can I follow?
guys am doing gerenal which career i can follow
even me too ths wht im doin u can b an investigator/ foreignsic scientist or even medical detective
i want to become social worker
Wit these subs u cn b a nurse
i am doing these subject at school, wat can i become!
wt can i study?i dnt knw my career
im in grd 11 iwant to do physiology .so any 1 cn tl me whc subject should ilink
Katlehong technical
i say you must do history,geography,pure math
Its evene wrc for me coz am doin the same subjects and physical sciences
my name is amanda and am doing grade 12 at school am doing business,life sciences,geography and maths lit so what i want to know is the career that is suitable for these subjects
Can i get help study that will be pay mi
I wanna become a Industrial Organizational Psychologist...Bt I don't know what subjects does it need????
Im xihluke nkuna im learning life science,history,geography and mathematical literacy so what link with those subjects and what corses might suit these subjects including the unversity
Im doing grade 12 at Sibanisakhe H, i want 2 be a social work wit this subject
Am in grd 10 am doing does subjects what careers or job I wii find
I suggest dat u should change maths literacy 2 pure bt wth doz subjects u cn be a tour guide,social worker,teacher,lawyer nd many more
Old geyser
I jst wnt to become a chef.mayb u should too
U cnt be a chef bcoz u r nt dng home economics/consumer study
if you can change maths lit 2pure you can becm social workr
Wat can i become in thiz subjet?
i wana becum an geotechnologyist
Am doing these subjects,what career fields can i go to? My number is 0618159973
Am doing this am in grd 11. Istill don't have a career
i dnt wch crs cn i study bt i do ths sbjcts
Nami um stl stucked in dis mess... ??? Plz help me guyz 0606241114 ths are my contacts no or whatsapp me @ 0791020440
Can i do nursing?
I wana change maths lit to pure in grade11
Yeah u can do a nursing course
Yah u cn b a paremedic with those subjects.u guyz ar all older than me im in grade 9 nd nxt its grade 10 nd i wnt 2 b a metro police do i also du those subjects
I think becoming a journalist will do with this Subjects
am goin 2 grd10 like am litle afraid becous i don't know what 2 do
with this subject can i bcome traffic officer?
Well my advice is..chng maths lit n do pure maths or even if u donn chnge it,doesn't matter...there are lotsa courses whch require thoze subjects such as teaching,phsycologist,nursing,lawyer n blah blah they'r plenty of them
I wnt to knw the career that i hv to study in collage if i do hv these subjects.
U can became a paramedic or a doctor bt only if u change maths lit to pure maths
I jst wnna knw what does those subjects i chose fall under which career please guys help me...I jst wnna knw ASAP so that i cn change while the is still time
I dnt knw my career n im at G11 this year plz help
What would you be with those subjects
i want 2 becom a wearthering wil ths help me i mean those subject
What can I go into with these subjects???
im so sacred because I wanted to study marine biology but I need pure maths but I do maths literacy so im so lost can yourll please help me
Am also doing thz subjact an am in grd 12 got only 2 carrerz teaching and social worker my subject adviser said 2 me.I mst go 4 scrs careerz.the careerz that a takn 4 granted nw am looking 4 thm plz help me gud ppl here z my watapp nmber 0732806348
guys im preferring Science out of all subjects
what career should i take with this subjects whatsap me @ 0711907270
help me guyz which career should i take with this subject whatsap me @ 0792471859
Ask for the advices
what can I become with these subject plz help me out
Help guys i want 2 become social worker
im doing this subject nd i don't knw wha i going to study at tertiary can someone guide me because i want to became a better person in my family my number is 0616378208 thnks!!!
um in grade 11 ,can i study geologist with that subject help plz and you can help me on
whatsAPP 0606835444
I want to know if I did those subject can I do nursing n I did not pass my matric,I want to study again.plz hlp!
Awazi lutho hamba uyofa to hell nobu domu bakho wena
Im worried coz I don't know if I will get what I like.I've always liked being a lawyer but now I don't know wich career I like. Please HELP me plz
Am in grd 11 dis yr bt i don't knw de career i mst follw plz help me guyz my no 0787932626 thnx
Which carreer are related to those subjects that am going plZz
Which carreer are related to those subjects that am doing plZz help me out
Help me guys
what can u become or where can you do work with this subject
What are the careers that pay well with this subjects
social ecologist
Are this subjects ok for someone who want to become a social worker