Im having trouble with this quiz and I need your help. I have tried my best to answer them and this is what I got.
1. Which of the following best characterizes the new kingdom?
A.political strength and cultural change in Egypt.
B. It represents the period when Egyptian culture began to decline.
C. It was a period during which the arts thrived despite the political decline of the Egyptian nation
D. It refers to present-day Egypt and the revival of Egyptology spawned by the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamen.
My answer is B
2. Who was the greatest of the female pharaohs?
A. Nefertiti
B. Hatshepsut
C. Sobeknofru
D. Cleopatra
My answer D.
3. Why is the “boy king” Tutankhamen famous?
A. He was one of the most accomplished pharaohs, responsible for building two pyramids and many obelisks.
B. His tomb survived until the 20th century, preserving an amazing array of ancient artifacts.
C. He destroyed the temples of the old Egyptian gods and instituted a monotheistic religion.
D. He had the longest reign of any pharaoh because he took the throne at such a young age.
My answer is D.
4. The pharaohs of the New Kingdom were typically buried ____________________.
A. in stone chambers in the Valley of the Kings
B. In the pyramids of Giza
C. above ground in temples dedicated to the gods
D. at the foot of an obelisk dedicated to the king
My answer B.
5. What is significant about the contents of the tomb of King Tutankhamen?
A. They included a detailed map of all other tombs in the Valley of the Kings.
B. The hieroglyphics on the walls provided a key that allowed scholars to decode other ancient Egyptian texts.
C. They were discovered intact, undisturbed by grave robbers, in the 20th century.
D. The king’s corpse was missing, leading some to speculate that he is a god.
My answer A
6. Which of the following pharaohs was responsible for a radical change in Egyptian religion?
A. Akhenaton
B. Hatshepsut
C. Nefertiti
D. Tutankhamen
My answer C
7. One of the most well-known pieces of Egyptian art is the famous bust of Queen ____________.
A. Nefertiti
B. Hatshepsut
C. Cleopatra
D. Sobeknofru
My answer B
8. Which of the following pharaohs was responsible for building 134 Columns at Karnak, two magnificent tombs at Abu Simbel, and various other large-scale structures?
A. Seti I
B. Ramesses II
C. Akhenaton
D. Tutankhamen
My answer A
9. Which of the following most accurately represents the historical significance of Queen Nefertiti?
A. She was a powerful pharaoh, one of only three female pharaohs in three thousand years.
B. She was the wife of King Akhenaton.
C. She had a famous love affair with the Roman Mark Antony.
D. She was the daughter of Hatshepsut.
My answer A
10. What types of objects are typically found in the tombs of Egyptian rulers?
A. commonplace items for everyday use
B. rare objects and books from foreign lands
C. only objects made of gold
D. colossal stone figures of threatening figures, such as lions, thought to ward off evil spirits
My answer D
28 answers
I give up!!
Please do not waste our time with ridiculous guesses.
Is correct, even in 2018! Hope this helps.
mad respect brooooooooo