Im having trouble finding about the people of the indus valley, which was in acient india. I need to make up a person, that would have lived there.
I need to make up the persons name
a job that was acuarate to that time and place
there age
work or job
rights and resonsibilities.
please please help me out atleast a little bit
so can you be a real person or no???
check out this site/game... I havent finished but it might help
search google for BBC Indus Valley Game...
yes, real or not, its doesnt matter, it just has to have all those things included
YOu could be a trader, beadmaker, (all from BBC)
Women in ancient India society had a fighting chance of having authority amongst their new arranged family. The husband was told to form a bond with his wife and let her become one of his friends. They were even worshiped as goddesses but for only fertility and beauty. Differences in the position of women at various class were similar in the fact that freedom wasn’t as drastic as the men’s were. The class levels where women did more work is where men idolized them more for their strength. This has been known seen the beginning of time. Even though women from higher status’ were more respect but only for their level in society. They only had a say in household domestic violence and other ideas, but mostly were waited upon by only women servants, who were beneath them. The advantages of women from a more centralized civilizations is that they can endure they wealth received through their husbands and education if they can get their hands on it. They are more educated in poetry and other worldly subjects if capable of understanding it.