I'm having diffulculty finding the answer through this passage. Could you please help me out?
Industry accounts for 19 percent of water used in the world. Water is used to manufacture goods, to dispose of waste, and to generate power. The amount of water needed to manufacture everyday items can be astounding. For instance, nearly 1,000 L of water are needed to produce 1 kg of aluminum, and almost 500,000 L of water are needed to masnufacture a car. Vast amounts of water are required to produce computer chips and semiconductors. Most of the water that is used in industry is used to cool power plants. Power-plant cooling systems usually pump water from a surface water source such as a river or lake, and then pump the water back into the source. The water that is returned is usually warmer than the source, but it is generally clean and can be used again.
Can you please help me name four items that the author uses as examples of the goods produced by industry?
"nearly 1,000 L of water are needed to produce 1 kg of aluminum, "
" almost 500,000 L of water are needed to masnufacture a car"
"amounts of water are required to produce computer chips and semiconductors. "
Somehow I am missing something. You want us to read the passage and tell you what it says about industrial goods, such as aluminum, cars, computer chips, semiconductors. That you were unable to find these ought to be of some concern to you. Ask yourself why...you need to find the reason, and solve it. Life belongs to good readers.