I'm going to repost my homework questions because now I'm all over the place and confusing you. Please delete my other posts.
1. The ___________ states the responsibilities of the government and protects the rights of states and citisens
answer - constitution.
2. to keep northern factories economically strong, Northern congressmen put a high _____________ on European manufactured goods
answer - tariff
3. Plantations, farms that used slaves to care for it's crops were located in the ____________
answer - south
4. When worker freely chooses his employer and works for wages is it called ____________
answer - free labor
5. The principle of ________________ _________________ gave the right to new states to choose if it's labor would be free or slave
answer - popular sovereignty
6. TRUE OR FALSE When the settlers who favored slavery met settlers who were against slavery in Kansas, much fighting and killing resulted.
answer - false
6 answers