I'm getting confused on finding prepositional phrases. Can you check my homework, please?

Directions: Put a 'P' above the preposition. Circle object of preposition. Put a 'M' above any modifiers. Put () around prepositional phrase.

1. After we cut the fence, we snuck into the secret government base.

Preposition = after?, into
Obj of prep = base
Modifiers = secret, government
Phrase = into the secret government base

2. We were looking for the documents that were hidden under the generator.

Preposition = for
Obj of prep = documents
modifiers = the
phrase = for the documents

preposition = under
Obj of prep = generator
modifiers = the
phrase = under the generator

3. There was a guard hiding in the closet with a dart gun.

preposition = in
Obj of prep = closet
modifiers = the
phrase = in the closet

preposition = with
Obj of prep = gun
modifiers = dart
phrase = with a dart gun

4. Before he spotted us, we tried to sneak by him.

preposition = before?
Obj of prep = he
modifiers = (none)
phrase = before he?

preposition = by
Obj of prep = him
modifiers = (none)
phrase = by him

5. he grabbed my friend by the neck, but I snuck up behind him and karate chopped him.

preposition = by
Obj of prep = neck
modifiers = the
phrase = by the neck

preposition = up and behind?
Obj of prep = him
modifiers = (none)
phrase = up behind him?

6. The guard fell on the ground and we crept into the elevator.

preposition = on
Obj of prep = ground
modifiers = the
phrase = on the ground

preposition = into
Obj of prep = elevator
modifiers = the
phrase = into the elevator

7. The red lights above us started spinning around and flashing red.

preposition = above, around?
Obj of prep = us
modifiers = (none)
phrase = above us

8. We were near the generator when a bunch of guards ran out of the break room.

preposition = near
Obj of prep = generator
modifiers = the
phrase = near the generator

preposition = of
Obj of prep = guards
modifiers = (none)
phrase = of guards

preposition = of
Obj of prep = room
modifiers = the, break
phrase = of the break room

9. We hid under a card board box until they ran by us.

preposition = under
Obj of prep = box
modifiers = card board
phrase = under a card board box

preposition = until
Obj of prep = they
modifiers = (none)
phrase = until they?

preposition = by
Obj of prep = us
modifiers = (none)
phrase = by us

10. We ran toward the generator and snuck under the bridge.

preposition = toward
Obj of prep = generator
modifiers = the
phrase = toward the generator

preposition = under
Obj of prep = bridge
modifiers = the
phrase = under the bridge

11. The secret documents were hidden inside of a filing cabinet next to a desk.

preposition = inside, of?
Obj of prep = cabinet
modifiers = filing
phrase = inside of filing cabinet?

preposition = next
Obj of prep = desk
modifiers = a
phrase = next to a desk

12. I grabbed the documents from the filing cabinet and put them in my bag.

preposition = from
Obj of prep = cabinet
modifiers = filing
phrase = from the filing cabinet

preposition = in
Obj of prep = bag
modifiers = (none)
phrase = in my bag


4 answers

1. Right. (After is not a preposition in this sentence.)

2. Right. BUT -- there's another prepositional phrase in this sentence.

3. Right.

4. Before is not a preposition in this sentence. The other phrase is correct.

5. Right. However, up is not a preposition in this sentence. Up is an adverb.

6. Right.

7. Right. Around is an adverb in this sentence.

8. Right.

9. Two of your phrases are right. But until is not a preposition in this sentence.

10. Right.

11. Right!

You did an excellent job!
Thanks Ms. Sue!! You mentioned that there was another phrase for #2 (We were looking for the documents that were hidden under the generator.). But, I don't see it.

Also, can you check these 2?

18. I kicked out the vent and we jumped from the shaft into a dumpster filled with cardboard boxes.

preposition = out the vent
Obj of prep = vent
modifiers = (none)
phrase = out the vent

preposition = from
Obj of prep = shaft
modifiers = the
phrase = from the shaft

preposition = into
Obj of prep = dumpster
modifiers = a
phrase = into a dumpster

preposition = with
Obj of prep = boxes
modifiers = cardboard
phrase = with cardboard boxes

20. After we escaped, we looked at the documents and saw that they were ungraded school papers.

preposition = at
Obj of prep = documents
modifiers = the
phrase = at the documents

preposition = from
Obj of prep = cabinet
modifiers = filing
phrase = from the filing cabinet
OOps. I missed your second phrase. You are correct.

Your other answers are also correct! :-)
Thanks again Ms. Sue!! (sorry about answer typo in #20 - 2nd phrase isn't in the sentence)