I'm finding it difficult to check these sentences. Could you please help me? Thank you.
1)A ghost appears to Hamlet and asks him to take revenge and kill his murderer, Claudius. At the end of the play Hamlet manages to kill Claudius, but he also dies and his mother as well.
2)Hamlet wants to be sure about what the ghost revealed him. So he arranges a play representing the Murder of Gonzago which is very similar to what had happened to his father.
3)During the play Claudius raises and rushes away showing that the ghost was right. This play is very important because during it the actors become the audience itself (themselves?), that’s why it’s called the play-within-the –play.
4)Hamlet considers death from two different perspectives. At the beginning, he thinks about it as a sleep that makes men free from their sufferings following the medieval perspective which used to consider death as a purification of the soul from the body.
5)Then he imagines an afterlife and he sees it as a sleep with dreams in which your troubles follow you and this is a Renaissance perspective.
1 answer
2. ... he arranges a performance of "The Murder of Gonzago," which is ...
3. comma needed; confusing wording; run-on sentence
4. OK
5. commas needed; problem with pronouns
Re-post when you're ready.