I'm finding difficulty in answering this question. Any help would be appreciated.
For the equation,
y1= x^-5x+6 and its reciprocal:
Discuss what is the consequences for y1 to 1/y1 as x --> +- infinity?
Thanks in advance.
8 answers
clearly as x becomes larger , x^2-5x+6 becomes larger even faster, so dividing by a larger and larger number will make 1/y1 approach zero
who r u TK, r u from NMHS?
Reiny, how could i further prove this?
TP, NMHS? sorry>?
TP, NMHS? sorry>?
Just out of curiousity, are you from Adelaide? Because I got this same assignment, which is from the SSABSA website. I just thought you were a friend of mine, because my friend also uses the initials TK< but he didn't post this.
LOL @ comments above!!! guessing its Anthony or something ;D
I'm guessing BK is around here somewhere
beyonce Knowles? sweet!..im sensing a mongol...:D and a poon..
I'm thinking of something along the lines of Bor.....K....ien