I'm doing grade 11 but still I don't know what or which kind of job careers that needs these subjects Agricultural science, Geography, life science, mathematics (pure), Sepedi, English, And lastly life orientation..Help me please and appreciation will bless you.
11 answers
The question should be -- What are YOUR interests and abilities?
See your school counselor, who can help you determine your abilities and interests.
what can i study?
Social woker.it needs level 5 in eng,level 4 in maths or lite,level 4 in sep,lo and any other subjects
Which jobs can i get by these subject
I'm adelade which jobs can i get by these subjects.
Law,social worker, nursing&gemophology
I am Aphelele Monqo I doing grade 11 at Nozalisile senior secondary school and I'm doing these subjects pure maths,Life sciences,Agricultureral sciences,English,Xhosa and life orientation... so my question is that can I be a doctor?
I'm going Agriculture,Maths, Geography And life science what can l study for in University or college
I'm studying geography, Life sciences, mathematics, life orientation, home language, English and agricultural sciences.
What can I study ?
What can I study ?