I'm doing an essay on the book The Children of Izieu. My thesis is - The lives of 44 children were unreasonably exterminated in the Holocaust.

The book is about Children who are captured by Klaus Barbie from the House of Izieu and taken to a death camp in Auschwitz.

Two of my arguments are - they were young and harmless so they shouldn't have been exterminated. And that they were exterminated in a barbaric manner. Can anyone help me come up with more arguments? Thanks!

4 answers

If you are arguing the children were "unreasonably exterminated", does that mean they could have been reasonably exterminated?
Your arguement-they were young and harmless- if thy were old and harmless should they have been exterminated? Or old and harmful? Secondly, if there is such a thing as exterminated in a barbaric manner, is there the contra of exterminated in a civilized (humane) manner?
My point is this: Be careful of your wording, and avoid such logical pitfalls.
I think a better thesis is focused on the loss of the innocent: It includes Modern Africa, Iraq, Pakistan, and wherever terror or inhumanity reigns. Why does God allow it? Why do we allow it?
Good luck
I agree with Bobpursley.

I've been thinking about your essay for a while -- and have a hard time accepting your mealy-mouthed thesis. The children were murdered -- not by just one crazed individual -- but by a so-called civilized nation.

Since the focus of your essay is on this book, I suggest you rewrite your thesis to make it stronger. Then concentrate on the individual children whose lives were cut pathetically short by the barbarians.
Thank you both for your suggestions! The book, in a way, is like a memorial. Should I change my thesis to something related to the importance of remembering the holocaust?
Yes. I think you should. That would be a good idea.