I'm doing a speech on abortion, and I'm on the side that's against it. I wanted to know some reasons why people are pro-life. I mean I'm against abortion because I have 2 little siblings and I feel like it's murder. I feel like abortion should be illegal, UNLESS the pregnancy is harmful to the mother.

What are some other reasons?...and reasons why people are pro-choice
anyone can write their opinion in here, thanks guys

2 answers

Almost all religious, secular, and ethical systems forbid murder. Pro-lifers believe that life starts at conception and therefore is murder.

Some also argue that many women who have abortions feel guilty and regret their decisions for the rest of their lives.
I totally understand the other view, which is why I chose this topic. It is a persuasive speech but my intentions are not to make anyone switch their views; and I know I can't do that either.
but everyone's allowed to view it their own way and "Finally 14", you have no right to judge who's self centered and whose not. Like Ms.Sue said, a lot of it has to do with your moral values and your religion. Most of the relgions and cultures dont' allow it, and if you're a very religious person who values each life then you are PRO LIFE. I think it's strange that you get charged with double murder if you kill a pregnant woman but abortion (killing of a baby) is allowed and legal.

So we all have our point of view on it, and honestly I dont' think there is a right or wrong. I just needed opinions on what side you're on, not what you think of me knowing that I'm against abortion