I'm doing a small research project and it's on Canadian statistics of date .

What I need for this project:

2.Seven main points
3.I have to tie it in to Melinda's Situation. Melinda is a character in the book speak. She has gotten in it by this senior named Andy.

Here is what I have done:

•Date-: when someone you know—a date, boyfriend, or casual friend—forces you to .
•A woman is physically attacked by forced sexual intercourse every 17 minutes in Canada.
•38% of sexually assaulted women were assaulted by their husbands, common-law partners or boyfriends.
•49% of all sexual assaults and 18% of sexual assaults concerning forced sexual interaction occur in broad daylight.
•Studies disclose that only 1 in 10 sexual assaults are reported to the police.
•Women rarely make false reports about sexual assault. It’s greatly under reported crime. Only 6% reported.
•80% undergraduates surveyed at Canadian Universities said that they had been victims of violence in a dating relationship.
•31% of sex assaults occur in dating or acquainted relationships.
•A recent study found 21% of sexual assaults involving in date- drugs(went up from 12% in 2005)
•Assault victims
-age 20 to 24 (26%)
-age 16 to 19 (23%)
•The date- drug is called GHB.

I know I have more than 7 points which is why I need your help to pick out only the main ones. I went through all the sites I could find and picked ut some really good points from there. If you have any recent or better ones, please list them onto here. Also how am I supposed to tie this into Melinda's situation?

Just for extra marks I want to end it in two or three strong sentences. I only have 1.

Women easily get scared of their victim, and decide not to get help.

I'll appreciate all the help you could give me, thanks:-)

1 answer

You need to define and limit your scope. If your topic is "date ," are you only considering forced sexual intercourse or other forced sexual acts (sexual assault)?

Do you know what percent of all are date ?

How do you include sexual assault by husbands in the category of date ?

Your data on women reporting sexual assault differ, 10% ("1 in 10") vs. 6%.

Since I have not read the story of Melinda, I don't know how you can tie the data to it.

Do "victims of violence" include just sexual assault or other forms of violence? Does Andy consider his actions as ?

I hope this helps.