I'm doing a lab for gel electrophoresis and we added the digests in the wells of the agarose gel
Lane 2 – λ Hind III (a standard)
Lane 4 – Tube 1
Lane 5 – Tube 2
Lane 6 – Tube 3
Lane 7 – Tube 4
Now will DNA in tube 1 which only has dh20, 10x buffer, and no enzyme show on the agarose gel. In tube 2, HindIII and in tube 3, BamHI and lastly in tube 4, EcoRI are cut by restriction enzymes. I think only lane 6 as well as lane 2 and 4 show on the agarose gel. But somehow I'm confused with the results I obtain. Can DNA, and EcoRI show on the agarose gel?