Did you know that the theme park, Euro Disney, was initially a failure? When Disney changed many things in this park to appeal to Europeans, it began making money. One of the changes is that liquor is now served in Euro Disney. The name was also changed to Paris Disney because the euro is now the monetary unit of much of Europe. The Disney company didn't want the park to imply "Money Disney."
The guillotine was invented as a humanitarian move to prevent the suffering of prisoners condemned to death.
Many French people seriously resent a McDonald's restaurant on its beloved "main street," the Champs d'Elysee.
The Louvre Museum in Paris is stretches about six city blocks in length and it's four stories tall. It was once a palace where people lived and worked.
I'm doing a french presentation, and I would like to add some fun/funny facts about the french but I can't seem to find a good site. Please help!
2 answers
The Palace of Versailles has 700 rooms.