i'm dividing 52 glass bears into groups she has 1 left over how many groups

thanks ella

10 answers

What are the factors of 51?
Ms. sue i don't know that is what im trying to find out
51 is divisible by 3.

51/3 = ?
If there are 52 bears, and one is left over after forming groups, then 51 must have divisors that are the # of groups and the # of bears in each group.

51 = 3*17, so there are either

17 groups of 3
3 groups of 17

After that, there is 1 bear left over, making 52 in all.
thank u Steve soo much
How can a third grader who only knows times tables up to 12 supposed to figure this out on her own? I Had to look up the answer and then couldn’t find a way for her to come up with the answer on her own
Its helps me a lot on this math question
What is 2 groups of 7.40 ?
thank u steve
Wow, this question was super tough to figure out by myself. But, THANKS!