I'm Christian and I'm applying to a catholic high school (due to the budget cuts in my district). The thing is that I'm required to take theology (Religion class) for four years of high school.
... I'm just wondering, it's theology interesting, fun... and stuff
I'm just curious because I have a feeling it's going to be a boring class
plz answer my question, i really want to know
2 answers
That is entirely up to you. First I don't know your interests. Second, you can make any class interesting if you choose to do so.
It's stupid, outdated rubbish that is used to indoctrinate kids (you say you're Christian but how would you know this other than your parents belonging this religion? Have you seen any kids having a different religion as their parents? Have you spent time studying other religions or god forbid science to determine if Christianity is the one corresponding best to your world view? This assumes you have spent time forming one which absent of the above is impossible). Please observe that you have to go to this school because there are no others available to you (i.e. you don't have a choice, probably for financial reasons). So no, it will be boring rubbish if you have any kind of curiosity about the world and how it actually works and would like ask questions that allow your mind and intellect to grow.