I'm a GranMa in my 60's trying to learn Word/Windows. I started with the 2nd course and have had only this one problem in 3 weeks so that is good. I don't think the answer to my problem is in the book for THIS course.

I can't figure out how to use the commands with the underlined letters like File, Open... I know all the OTHER ways to open a file but I have to know this one as well.

Can you help me?

4 answers

In a Word document, click on the word File in the top left corner, and that menu should appear. Then click on Open and a box appears that allows you to wander around in the folders and files on the computer. Once you find the one you want, click on it and hit Open -- or simply double-click on it.

Other ways to do this are with Ctrl + O


by clicking on File and opening one of the files listed at the bottom of that menu (if you want to open a very recently used one)


by using the Start | Documents list.

Thank you, Writeacher. This was my first time to use this resource.

I knew all the methods but the one with Ctrl + O...

Is Ctrl + used with ALL the options across the toolbars to accomplish the tasks indicated by the underlined letter? (Not sure if that question is clear.)

Again... Thank you from GranMa Cee
Evidently that is not the key... I tried with with Ctrl + I and got italics instead of Insert. So maybe my question should be... where can I find a copy of all the key combinations to activate those words with underlined letters in them.

Thanks.... GranMa Cee
In those drop-down menus (File, Edit, etc.), you'll know when you see a Ctrl + shortcut -- you'll see Ctrl = K (or whatever) across from the command itself.

Ctrl + C = copy
Ctrl + X = cut
Ctrl + V = paste
