I'm a first year student and a missed a lot for this chapter and really dont know where to even start.

I have to write the pseudocode for this using Notepad:
 A company sales manager requires a sales analysis of the two products on offer at the end of the month.
 The company employs five salespeople.
 Input values for each salesperson are name, number, gender, and total units sold for the month, for each product (one and two).
 The salary of each salesperson is strictly commission-based. Each salesperson earns a basic commission calculated as 12.5% of his/her total sales.
 If a salesperson sells more than R1 000 of product two, he or she receives an additional 10% commission on product two. If not, commission for sales of product two is reduced to 5% (i.e. instead of receiving the basic 12.5% commission for sales of product two, a penalty is paid).
 If a saleswoman sells more than R500 of product one, she receives a bonus of R100.
 An added bonus of R750 is given to each salesperson whose total commission is more than R6 000.
 Each employee receives a printed pay-slip showing all the employee details, gross pay, all the deductions and/or additions, and the net pay.
 The unit prices for the two products are as follows:
o Product 1: R250
o Product 2: R175

At the end of processing, the manager wants to know:
 The total number of items sold.
 The total number of women and the total number of men that received a bonus.
 The number of women employed by the company.
 Total salary paid out (i.e. total nett pay)