I'll own the studio you might not set in front of her canvas admiring her latest creation and the doorbell ring coming even a shouted carefully I should ran down the stairs twisted the deadbolt and opened the door but to her surprise the only thing waiting for her was a fresh air of the beautiful spring day hello she asked looking around no one was there she was just about to close the door when I glimmer of color caught her eye down by her feet it was a small red box in tricks he picked it up and took one last look around a light breeze tickled her arm and her shoulder and three to five sentences explain what point of view the author was using to create the interest in the story
1 answer
The author was using a third person limited point of view to create intrigue in the story. By focusing on the actions and thoughts of the protagonist, the reader is able to experience the mystery of the unexpected gift alongside her. The description of the surroundings and the protagonist's reactions also add depth to the scene, creating a sense of suspense and curiosity for the reader.