Ile your assurs) to the following questions) on the speakers' statements below sed on your kauslinden of social studios
Speaker & Good and stresses the importance of the nation and accepts the rights of the individual only if the interests of the Indiskdual are the same as those of the nation.
Speaker & The person of the king is sured and to attack him in any way is to attack religion itil. The respect gives to a king la religious in
(1 point)
Speaker C. All brings are born free and equal with a right to life and Thaty. It is the duty of grermest to protect these natural rights of its eltinens
Speaker D. Our goal will not be achieved by dresectary or liberal reformas, but by blood and tron. Only then will we be saccessdal. No satiks white grates of unity without the traumatic experience of
expers the lies of divise tigla?
1 answer
It is not possible to determine the appropriateness or accuracy of the responses without the full context of the statements from the speakers.