Il semble que nous sommes formes surtout par l'influence des personnes autour de nous. Qui a joue un role important dans votre vie? Comme-vous inluencde d'autres personnes? Illustrez votre repinse en donnant des exemples precis.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. but what exactly do you want us to do here? Do you want the French corrected or do you need a translation. If you are always explicit about what exactly you need, we can help you faster and better! Often if you don't supply the English of what you are trying to say, we will not know how best to correct it.

Oh I'm sorry I was given this as a prompt for a French essay I have to write and I just wanted someone to translate it so I was sure to write about the correct topic. This essay is worht a good amount of points that I need!

It seems that we are form especially by the influence of the persons around us. Who has plays an important role in your life? You as inluencde of other persons? Illustrate your repinse while giving examples precis.

Thank you for explaining what you needed! Of course the necessary accent marks are missing, but it looks like "It seems that we are especially formed by the influence of people around us. Who has played an important role in your life? How are you influenced by other people? Illustrate your response by giving precise examples.