If you use $63.00/9 to estimate $62.59/9 is $7.00 greater than or less than the exact answer? Explain.
i say yeah girlfriend
It is greater, because the numerator you used was greater. Example: If you had 2/2 and you raised the numerator to 4 to get 4/2, wouldn't 4/2 be bigger than 2/2? So, because you raised the numerator, $7 will be higher than it actually is supposed to be.
If 63.00/9 = 7.00, then wouldn't 62.59/9 be less than 7.00? So 7.00 would be greater than the exact answer.
Isn't that what I said?
Yes, that's what you said. But I was typing while you were typing and neither of us knew the other was posting. So the student gets to know what two of us thought. You can look at the time and see the differential. Often its the person who writes a longer explanation that posts last.
You see that I posted 1 minute after you did and it took me MUCH longer than a minute to do all that typing.
16 answers
$7.00 more than the the exact answer because $6.59divided by 9=$6.95. and 63 divided by 9=7. And6is not7more than 7!!!!!!!!!!
XD am just a kid lol
If you use $63.00÷9 to estimate $62.59÷9, is $7.00 great er than or les than exactamente answer? Explain
Don't care blah blah blah blah blah this sucks
I tino is 40
Duhh 63 is greater than 62 so 7 would greater than the answer logic
Ps I am just writing tell me if I'm right
Yes girl the answer is corret beacuse it is 700.Oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxocoxoxoxoxoxoxo.
$7.00 is more than the exact answer because $62.00 divided by 9 equals $6.95 and $63.00 divided by 9 equals $7.00. $7.00 is greater than $6.95.
Do duh logic.
I have no idea help! Boy what do u mean by xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo and a lot more of that
My roblox username is instantkarma247,you ADD ME STRANGER
7.00 is greater than the actual answer because 63.00>62.59
Lol I had this for homework
It is greater because 7x9=63 and if 63.00/9 that will be 7.00