If you need to you may want to read the article that says, "City goes hungry" again because that's what I wrote about. If you could when your finish could you give me a letter grade. Thanks
City goes hungry
Supporting this article will be very difficult because St. Louisans aren't gettng any money from the state lawmakers. But on the bright side of everything, Rural Missourians receive a minimum amount of money to build new roads, and also lawmakers are going to possibly expand Highway 141. Building new roads for Rural Missourians will help them because they don't have to no longer travel on potholes, and bumps. Potholes, and bumps make car tires go flat, and with this new upcoming decision they don't have to worry about paying for a new tire. Expanding Highway 141 will help relieve the North, and South traffic to make it easier to get to, and from their destination.
Secondly, I support this article because as of right now roads are being destroyed, and scrapped upon, and the rural areas need better ones. Rural areas need better roads because their much safer to travel upon. I also support this article because every second thee is an accident, and with better roads it will decrease the accidents. Trying to support this article was tricky, but I had my positive views of the situation. These are my opinions on supporting the article.
Non- supporting this article is easier because St. Louisans deserve more money than Rural Missouri. The lawmakers need to rethink there decision, and try to realize that St. Louisans are hurting especially during these economic times. St. Louisans need better schools,bridges,forms of energy, and roads. I believe St. Louisans are being treated unfairly because our city should have gotten an amount that would of helped St. Louisans have a better lifestyle. Lawmakers made a bad judgement to throw our money away to roads that are uneeded in the rural areas.
Secondly, I non-support this article because the money should go to better, and more needed things, instead of wasting it on unimportant things. Lawmakers should be generous to give St. Louis half of the money. St. Louis shold be treated fairly, and St. Louisans should speak up about this situation because lawmakers need to hear what they want. Non-supporting this article was easy because lawmakers are having a negative attitude towards St. Louis. These are my opinions on why I don't support this article.
2 answers
Do you mean state or federal lawmakers?
But on the bright side of everything, Rural Missourians receive
Don't capitalize Rural. Also correct spelling error.
because they don't have to no longer travel on potholes,
Double negative -- won't have to travel . . . or will no longer travel . . .
are being destroyed, and scrapped upon,
Rural areas need better roads because their much safer to travel upon. I also support this article because every second thee
Two misspelled words
Trying to support this article was tricky, but I had my positive views of the situation. These are my opinions on supporting the article.
These sentences aren't necessary.
Non- supporting this article is easier
Not supporting . . .
rethink there decision
would of helped
would have helped . . .
Secondly, I non-support this article
I don't support this . . .
Non-supporting this article was easy because lawmakers are having a negative attitude towards St. Louis. These are my opinions on why I don't support this article.
These sentences aren't necessary.
I can't assign a letter grade because I don't know what your exact assignment is, your teacher's instructions, nor your grade level.