if you have to many tasks to complete at work ,you should
(a)take a deep breath and start at the top of the pile and work your way down as quickly as possible
(b)complain to your boss that its an inreasonable amount of work
(c)decide for yourself what is the most important ,then get started
(d)ask your boss to prioritize assignments
my answer is d
an example of a long term goal is
(a)getting your hair done at your favorite salon
(b)traveling to europe
(c)finishing a term paper
(d)reading a biography
my answer is b
to analyze what to do with your time you need to
(a)write down everything that you do in a time inventory
(b)buy a daily planner
my answer is a
once you determined your long and short term goals you can use a ?? to determine how to best use your time
(a)filing system
(b)tickler file
(c)monthly calendar
(d)to do list
my answer is c or d
3 answers
Do you know what taking a deep breath does? It helps you relax a bit and sends oxygen to your brain so you can think better. This helps during test-taking, reading, studying, or whatever task you're doing!