Not 5? Wouldn't Mn be +3. If Mn is +3 and OH is -1, that leaves a charge of +2 on the ion? right? If the 1 OH, 3 H2O, and 2 NH3 became Cl (that's 6 the way I count), then [MnCl6] must have a charge of
+3+(-6) = -3 so we would write [MnCl6]^-3. Check my thinking.
if you had a complex ion [Mn(NH3)2(H2O)3(OH)]^+2 would the oxidation state of the metal atom be 5 and what would be the charge on the complex if all ligands were chloride ions
3 answers
for the oxidation state of the Mn doesn't the NH3 have a charge. So OH is -1 and NH3 has a -1 charge plus 2 so its -2 or does it not have a charge
No. NH3 is neutral. The NH3 is a compound and all compounds are zero charge. NH3 is a gas but we usually use it dissolved in water.