If you get mixed nuts with cashews that cost $6.25 lb. and if you get mixed nuts with peanuts @ $2.30 lb. But if I just want 1/2 lb. of mixed nuts for $1.70 how much of each would be included?

4 answers

x with cashews costs 6.25 x

(.5-x) with peanuts costs 2.30 (.5-x)
6.25 x + 2.30(.5-x) = 1.70
How many lbs of cashew and how many of lbs.peanuts
is it 0.139 of the cashews
3.95 x + 1.15 = 1.70

3.95 x = .55

x = .139 yes
then .5 - x = .361
6.25 * .139 = .869
2.30 * .361 = .830
------------------- add
****** .5 lbs = 1.699 or in other words 1.70