If you don't mind if you could give me TWO PRICES one for 1.) full assignment
Deliverable Length:Tables count for 2 pgs and 4 pages in MS Word format
Due Date: 6/18/2010 latest 6/19/2010
Research the British Petroleum website. Using your research findings from the Library and the Internet, develop both an EFAS (External Factors Analysis Summary) table and an IFAS (Internal Factors Analysis Summary) table. The tables are to be submitted in one Excel file (one sheet for the EFAS and one sheet for the IFAS), separate from your assignment that will be written in MS Word.
The description of both your environmental and internal scanning process, including what factors you considered and why will be in your MS Word file.
In summary, you will submit two files: one file in MS Excel, which will count as two written pages, and one file in MS Word, which should be 4 pages in length.
• EFAS - formulas, totals, brief details (20 points)
• IFAS - formulas, totals, details (20 points)
• Narratives (60 points)
2.) one for just Microsoft Excel for two tables one for IFAS and one for EFAS for BP oil company...
5 answers
If all you do is post your entire assignment, nothing will happen since no one here will do your work for you. But if you are specific about what you don't understand about the assignment or exactly what help you need, someone might be able to assist you.