If you could have anything you wanted, what would it be? What would you be willing to do to get it? Express these ideas and emotions in a bried (10 line) monologue/sililoquy.
can u send me a site that would have some examples that could help me???
Please double-check the spelling of terms in your question. When I enter 10-line monologue in www.google.com, I get lots of English and drama assignments, no answers. When I enter bried, I get only references to people who have Bried as their last name.
Please clarify.
This is a question that only you can answer. What do you want more than anything? World peace? A perfect boyfriend/girlfriend? Billions of dollars? All A's in school? A cure for cancer or other horrible diseases? End of poverty in the world?
Once you decide what is most important to you, tell why it's important -- and what you would do to help achieve that goal.