C. Your credit score might go down.
If your friend fails to make timely payments on the credit card, it can negatively affect your credit score, as co-signing means you are also responsible for the debt.
You might get secured credit.
You might have to pay extra money in taxes.
Your credit score might go down.
Your credit score might go up.
7 answers
C. Your credit score might go down.
If your friend fails to make timely payments on the credit card, it can negatively affect your credit score, as co-signing means you are also responsible for the debt.
A. Social Security tax
The Social Security tax provides income for retired and disabled people and their families through the Social Security program.
D. Installment credit
This type of credit involves regular set payments over a specified period, which is characteristic of installment credit.
A. Interest is charged only on the amount you actually borrow.
Both a line of credit and a credit card allow you to borrow up to a certain limit, and you are only charged interest on the amount you actually borrow, not the entire limit.