If you are interested in receiving extra credit, comment on one thing you're excited / confident about, one thing you're concerned about / seems challenging, and ask or answer a question (as you did with the Perusall for Essay #1). If you are having a hard time conceptualizing some of these comments, consider this:what is the assignment asking of you?is this assignment similar to others you have completed this semester?how is this assignment impacted by the concepts, ideas, and frameworks surrounding the theme?how have you been impacted by the VERZUZ theme?Would you / would you not recommend this course to a friend / family member, etc.? why? why not?what concept has been most challenging for you to grasp? why? why not?

1 answer

One thing I'm excited and confident about for this assignment is the opportunity to delve deep into the theme and develop a thoughtful analysis. I enjoy exploring different concepts and ideas, so this assignment aligns well with my interests.

One thing that concerns me and seems challenging is the requirement to incorporate the concepts, ideas, and frameworks surrounding the theme. It can be overwhelming to bring together various theoretical perspectives and apply them to the analysis. I will need to spend extra time researching and understanding these frameworks to ensure a comprehensive analysis.

Question: How can I effectively relate my personal experiences and reflections to the concepts and ideas discussed in the course materials?

Answer: To effectively relate personal experiences and reflections to the course concepts and ideas, it is crucial to identify the connections between the two. Reflect on the course materials and identify any relevant theories, frameworks, or themes that align with your personal experiences. Look for commonalities or patterns and draw parallels between your experiences and the course content. Additionally, it can be helpful to discuss these connections in a critical and analytical manner, examining how your experiences relate to the broader concepts and ideas explored in the course.